
Beware of taking into account the duration of the creation of your user account.

The call for proposals is open during the entire year but that selection will be closed for each semester.

The deadlines for submissions are yet to be discussed to be synchronised with IPERION-HS deadlines.

Next deadline : 30/09/22


Instructions for the authors

You must register to submit a new proposal.

Please use the proposal form. Proposals should be written in English only.

If you encounter some difficulties or if you need some further information, you can contact Quentin Lemasson, Claire Pacheco or Laurent Pichon (, ou



Are eligible for IPERION-HS Fixlab Transnational Access groups in which the User Group Leader and the majority of the User Group members work in an institution/SME established in a Member State of the European Union, an EU Associated State or a developing country other than the country where the legal entity operating the infrastructure is established.

Access is free of charge but the Users are liable instead:
  • to provide insurance for the artwork object and personnel over the period of the measurements;
  • to supply any specific logistics for the transportation of the artwork objects in the best conditions and security.

The IPERION-HS proposals are considered altogether for all the IPERION-HS Transnational providers. Therefore, the deposit of proposal are centralised on the IPERION-HS website.

More information and the catalogue of accesses can be found at :

Online user: 41 Privacy